
Biocidal products for individuals & professionals

PANKILL for Bedbugs

The Pankill for Bedbugs is a ready-to-use insecticide in aerosol form for the control of bedbugs and red mites in poultry, with a unique mode of action. It combats all stages (adults, nymphs and eggs) of bedbugs and mites by dehydration.

  • No. Approval: TP18-0539
  • Guaranteed Composition: 1.67% Synthetic Amorphous Silica (Nano)
iconBed bugs
iconRed mite

Specially formulated to form a natural-non-chemical barrier against bed bugs. The combination of physical action and mechanical action on insects precludes the development of resistance. It kills bed bugs (adults, eggs and nymphs) with a purely physical action, dehydrating them. It is used as a suppressant and preventive in indoor spaces. It acts quickly in a few hours and has a duration of action of 4 weeks.

  • Spray at a distance of 30cm. in all the crevices where bed bugs hide. Bed frames, bed legs, skirting boards, behind window frames, behind plasterboard, behind paintings, behind curtains.
  • Spraying is done on porous and non-porous surfaces.
  • Shake the product before use.
  • The dosage is 40g/sq.m. which corresponds to 19 seconds of spraying per square meter.
  • The 500ml spray covers a surface of 10 square meters. i.e. enough for 3-4 medium rooms.
  • We do not spray mattresses (on mattresses we recommend spraying with Pankill2 or Rexit Acakor).
  • The spray is slightly white, leaves little or no trace depending on the persistence and color of the application surface.
  • A small test is recommended depending on the application surface.
  • Apply the product once a month – up to 11 applications / year.
  • In severe attacks it is recommended 2 times / month.

Ideal for:

Hotels, houses, ships, cruise ships, barracks, etc.

In aerosol form

Specially formulated to form a natural non-chemical barrier against bed bugs.

Kills bed bugs (adult eggs and nymphs)

with purely physical action, dehydrating them. It acts quickly in a few hours and has a duration of action of 4 weeks.

  • Packaging Spray 500ml
Example Image

Use biocides safely.
Always read the label and product information before use.
Tel. Poison Center: 210 7793777


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